MHMS is an academic magnet school. Students must meet selection criteria (85% in reading, language and math) as determined by our testing done in February.
Enrollment requirements:
Applicants must be a resident of Sumner County at the time of application.
Kindergarten applicants must be 5 yrs. old by August 15
Score 85% or higher on a nationally normed standardized test in the areas of reading, language, and math.
For students in grades 6-12, an A/B average on the past two years report cards. In efforts to align the MHMS screening process with best practices in the use of data, initial test results will be considered valid for a 3 year period. Students who are currently on the Merrol Hyde Magnet School waiting list and reach the three-year mark for reevaluation will be required to retake the MHMS entrance exam meeting the 85% or higher requirement in Reading, Math, and Language, and to provide the 2 most recent years' report cards showing a B average (grades 4-11) or an academic average of on track or mastery (grade 3).
Sibling Consideration
MHMS Waiting List:
For each grade there is a formal waiting list that is kept in the school office. Students are listed by number, as they were drawn in the public drawing - both non-siblings and siblings. Siblings are designated with a star.
Siblings who meet selection criteria for entrance to Merrol Hyde are automatically admitted to the Kindergarten class. The rest of the spots will be filled through a public drawing of non-sibling applicants.
Twins/Multiples (born on the same date):
If a twin/multiple is drawn in the public drawing, his or her twin/multiple sibling(s) automatically receive the next spot(s) if he or she has met selection criteria.
Replacing students who have left MHMS:
The student who is listed as number one on the waiting list is the first student called to fill the vacant spot. If that student does not accept, the first sibling on the list is then called. If for some reason the sibling declines the spot, the student holding the number two spot is called and the above method is followed until a student accepts the spot.
4th and 7th grade:
Ten additional spots are opened at these grade levels, due to BEP class size increases: We follow the same method as above. Even with this method, the students who hold the first 10 spots are guaranteed a call and a spot at MHMS if they are interested.
MHMS Employees:
Students who have a parent that is a full time employee at MHMS are considered a sibling and marked on the waiting list accordingly.
Admissions Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I enroll my child in MHMS?
Applications are available online each year beginning mid September through mid December. Applicants are tested in February after applications are processed. K-1 students are given an individual age referenced screener. 2nd – 12th grade students are given a group administered grade referenced test. If the number of students who meet selection criteria (85%) exceeds spaces available, a public drawing is held.
2. We do not live in Sumner County but are moving there. Can my child still test?
Applicant must be a resident of Sumner County.
3. What time should I arrive for my child’s test?
Please arrive 10 minutes before the test start time. K-1 grade applicants will test at the SCBOE boardroom. Applicants for grades 2-12 should come to the main entrance at MHMS facing Township Drive.
4. How long is the test, and where should I wait?
K-1 test utilizes an individual screener for each applicant, and takes approximately 15- 45 minutes. *Testing for K-1 will be conducted at the county school board building.
Testing for Grades 2+ takes between 2-1/2 to 3 hours, and is a Group Achievement Test. Parents may drop off their children, then leave and return to pick them up. MHMS personnel will be fully responsible for your child during this time, they will not be allowed to leave MHMS property without a parent.
5. What type of test is given to my child? Can we study?
There are no study guides, but we advise parents that students should “know what typical children who are entering Kindergarten or 1st Grade are expected to know.” Please do not bring anything with you to the test; we do not keep on file IQ tests, photos, letters, etc.
For Grades 2 and above, the test is a Group Achievement Test given by grade level. There are no study aides, however students will be tested on what they typically should know when entering the grade they are testing to enter at MHMS.
For Grades 9-12, students should bring a calculator.
6. What if it snows (ice storm, etc.) on my testing date?
In the past we have administered tests in snowy weather. Our determining factor is the Nashville Airport – if the airport closes due to inclement weather, our tests will be cancelled and rescheduled. Rescheduling information will be on our website.
7. What if I can’t make my test time due to serious illness or other reason?
Please call the school office at 264-6543 no later than 8:00 AM. If your child is sick on your scheduled test date you will be required to provide the school with a physician excuse (dated to include the date of testing) in order to reschedule your child for testing. NO tests will be rescheduled without a physician excuse.
8. When will I receive test results?
Notification of whether your child met selection criteria will be emailed to applicants in early April.
9. When is the Public Drawing (lottery)?
A date in April of the testing year will be announced. All applicants who meet selection criteria will be included in this public drawing. The Public Drawing is required as there are more applicants to our school than there are spaces for students. Kindergarten students will be drawn first to fill the 40 spots for the kindergarten class. Then students will be drawn for waiting list positions for other grades.
10. I already have a child(ren) attending MHMS; how does this affect my other child(ren) who have applied to the school?
Sibling consideration is given to applicants who have a brother or sister already attending MHMS. A member of administration will cover this in detail at both the School Tours and the Public Drawing.
11. My child is on the XX Grade waiting list.
You will be contacted when there is an opening in your child’s grade. Each year the waiting list is rolled over to the next grade. -- In an effort to align the MHMS screening process with best practices in the use of data, initial screening results will be considered valid for only a three-year span. When that time limit is reached, students remaining on the waiting list will be required to retake the MHMS entrance exam, meeting the 85% or higher requirement in Reading, Math, and Language, and provide the 2 most recent years' report cards showing a B average (grades 4-11) or an academic average of on track or mastery (grades K-3).
12. If my child does not meet selection criteria, what are my options?
You may re-apply to MHMS mid Septemeber, through the mid December to repeat this process from the beginning.
13. If my child passes the test but his/her grade is full, what happens?
Students are drawn during the public drawing for a place on the waiting list for his/her grade. Administration will explain the waiting list policy during School Tours or at the Public Drawing.
14.Is there a dress code at the school?
Yes, all students K-12 are required to wear school uniforms from two approved vendors: French Toast and Lands’ End.
15. Where can I obtain information on the MHMS Uniform policy and where to purchase uniforms?
The policy and vendor information is posted here: MHMS Dresscode and Handbooks
16. Is transportation provided to MHMS?
No, school buses are not available due to students residing all over Sumner County. After school care is available through (visit